这几日需安装chrome浏览器以便观察数据的流向,使用郁闷install 安装不了,而且在google主页上的下载的rpm包所需的依赖关系比较多,麻烦。后来找到一方法安装chrome,非常简单。原文章为
# wget http://chrome.richardlloyd.org.uk/install_chrome.sh # chmod u+x install_chrome.sh # ./install_chrome.sh 安装的过程可能会比较久一点 以下是安装快结束的情景 *** Installing /tmp/chrome_install/chrome-deps-1.00-1.x86_64.rpm ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:chrome-deps ########################################### [100%] Updated /etc/default/google-chrome 正在更改"/opt/google/chrome/lib" 的安全环境 *** /opt/google/chrome tree contains 98 files totalling 165 MB ... *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 6 files totalling 64 MB ... Google Chrome 28.0.1500.71 and Fedora 15 libraries installed successfully. Please run the browser via the 'google-chrome' command as a non-root user. You will get a few terminal warnings when starting the browser, but these even appear on Fedora 19, so it looks like a Google Chrome bug to me. To update Google Chrome, run "yum update google-chrome-stable" or simply re-run this script with "./install_chrome.sh". To uninstall Google Chrome and its dependencies added by this script, run "yum remove google-chrome-stable chrome-deps" or "./install_chrome.sh -u". WARNING: Google Chrome 28.0.1500.71 can't run nacl_helper with SELINUX=enforcing (you will see terminal messages to that effect), which may disable sandboxing. A workaround is to set SELINUX=permissive in /etc/selinux/config and reboot.. Your OS version (6.1) is out-of-date and will probably not run Google Chrome 28.0.1500.71 correctly. Do you want to upgrade your OS (y/n) ?n *** WARNING: Google Chrome 28.0.1500.71 should not be run until you upgrade this machine's OS via "yum update" and reboot it after the upgrade ... 其中上面的红色一点要小心点击N,要不然系统会升级
安装完成之后,点击 应用程序->Internet 会出现chrome的图标,此时点击会报错 不能以根用户身份运行 Google Chrome。 接下来我查了资料,按照http://enetq.blog.51cto.com/479739/802934中的修改方式进行修改 主要是在google-chrome.desktop属性中修改为 /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U -user-data-dir Icon=/opt/google/chrome/product_logo_64.png 修改完成以后,将下面的google-chrome.desktop拖到桌面或标题栏即可,此时点击chrome,就能直接打开浏览器。